We put Patrick to work again assessing the electrical parts of the trim tabs and then the hydraulic aspects. It was determined that they worked fine. However, there are four big tabs and they have next to no impact on the attitude of the boat so something needs to change.
The destinations an anchorage near Murphy’s Point in Big Rideau Lake. Staring at lock #21 we proceeded through lock #32. You can see the picture of the lock wall here supporting an entire ecosystem. As for the revenge of the railway, this house is right under a lovely old, but we think still working railway bridge.
Through these tiny canals, the Kawartha Voyageur runs on a tourist schedule. Its bow folds up to fit the length of the locks and most of its upper structures fold down to clear the bridges. We so carefully navigate Cherish and this most comes through.
At Smithfalls we got off for provisions. Patrick bought and carried 20 liters of motor oil back from Canadian tire. Stephanie, Mark, and Debra also brought back provisions of various lighter weight articles.
We were carefully navigating the tight channels when we notice about 30’ boat outside the channel. This happens all the time as the locals know where the rocks are. Unfortunately for them, this was not a knowledge local and they ran aground on a rock right beside us. Mark took Fitz to offer assistance while Currie kept Cherish safely in the correct channel. The couple on board the grounded boat has no radio, cell phone, rope, etc. A local on a Jet-ski managed to pull them off but according to Mark likely, they damaged propellers, propeller shafts, rudders, all on a borrowed boat. He would know because Fitz’s engine (while turned off) landed on a rock while Mark was near them so it was not a sandy bottom.
Some boat projects turn out brilliantly.
However, not all boat projects or dock projects turn out as planned.
Strange to see full-fledged farms on the riverside.
When we anchored we had an entertaining time of setting a stern anchor. The plan was to have the back door open to the window and it would blow through and cool the boat. After several tries and stretching poor Patrick’s arms holding on to the anchor we gave up.
It was a beautiful place to anchor, swim and run around. Sunset pictures to no end. How many pictures can one take of one tree?
Courtesy of Bing Maps